The purpose of this policy is to allow eligible high school students to enroll in college classes concurrently with high school classes, either on the college campus or at the high school, and to receive both high school and college credit. Institutions within The Alabama College System are authorized to establish dual enrollment/dual credit programs with local boards of education in the college service area. Courses offered by postsecondary institutions shall be of postsecondary level and enrolled students must pay normal tuition as required by the postsecondary institution, or as stipulated in a contract for services between the two levels.
Student Eligibility
1.The student must be in grade 10, 11, or 12 or have an exception granted by the participating postsecondary institution upon the recommendation of the student’s principal and superintendent and in accordance with Alabama Administrative Code 290-8-9.17 regarding gifted and talented students.
2. The student must have a “B” average, as defined by local board of education policy, in completed standard, regulation high school courses normally leading to the high school diploma as it existed April 24, 1997.
3. The student must have written approval of the appropriate principal and the local superintendent of education. Student access to Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment is dependent upon both academic readiness and social maturity. Approval from the principal and superintendent indicates that the student has demonstrated both. Unless the student can demonstrate the ability to benefit from college level instruction, special education students are not eligible for enrollment under this policy.
4. The student must meet the entrance requirements established by Reid State Technical College.
5. Students who are enrolled in grades 10, 11, or 12 may be deemed eligible to participate in dual credit/dual enrollment in occupational/technical courses pending demonstrated ability to benefit as documented by successful completion and placement by ASSET, WorkKeys, CPAT, or other assessments approved by the Department of Postsecondary Education.
Students enrolled under the ability-to-benefit provision must have a “B” (3.0 grade point average) in high school courses directly related to the occupational/technical studies (if applicable) which the student intends to pursue at the postsecondary level and an overall 2.5 grade point average in high school course work. Exceptions may be made on an individual student basis after assessment and with the mutual consent of both the School Board and the College.
1. Parental permission and travel for courses offered off the high school campus during the normal school day will be administered under the auspices of local boards of education;
2. Ten quarter/six semester credit hours at the postsecondary level shall equal one credit at the high school level in the same or related subject. Partial credit agreements shall be developed between the participating postsecondary institution and the local board of education.
Students Not Attending Public School
1. This policy and these guidelines are also intended to apply to students who are not attending public school, but who are enrolled in private school or church school pursuant to § 16-28-1 of the Code of Alabama, or who are receiving instruction from a private tutor pursuant to § 16-28-5 of the Code of Alabama.
2. Student eligibility should be certified by the appropriate official at the private school or church school or by the private tutor.
Workforce Development Scholarship for Dual Enrollment Programs
Students can earn certifications and credentials pertaining to current industry workforce needs in several technical programs of study while still attending high school. The state of Alabama will assist qualifying students with funding to help defer cost of the dual enrollment program by removing financial barriers pertaining to the cost of tuition, fees, books, materials and supplies.
Funding has been made available for dual enrollment in technical education areas through the Alabama Future Workforce Initiative (AFWI). The Workforce Development Scholarship applies to student’s tuition, books and supplies. Eligible students must satisfy the following criteria:
A. Complete the Dual Enrollment Admission Packet.
B. Student must be enrolled in the 10th, 11th or 12th grade.
C. Student must have and maintain a High School GPA of 2.0 or higher.
D. Submit a High School Transcript Documenting Required GPA.
E. Submit Photo ID, a copy of Kuder or Career Assessment and High School 4 year plan.
F. Submit a copy of Entrance Exam or ACT score for 12th grade students or students enrolling in academic courses.