Effective October 1, 2024, every ACCS entity shall task at least one employee with responding to public records requests and designate them as the ACCS entity’s public officer for purposes of complying with Alabama Code 36-12-40 through 46. This public officer may be designated as a public records clerk or assistant, public records officer, public records specialist, or public records coordinator, depending on other tasks assigned and agreed by the ACCS System Office, or they may continue with their current title as long as their job description is updated to reflect this public officer task.
Effective October 1, 2024, every ACCS entity shall adopt this written procedure (or a substantially similar procedure in accordance with Alabama Code 36-12-40 through 46) and post the written procedure on the ACCS entity’s website, along with the Open Records Form (which template shall be provided by the Chancellor’s Office)
The Public Records Officer is Brenda Jackson, contact information is bjackson@rstc.edu or 251-578-1313 ext. 147.