Student Achievement

Reid State Technical College (RSTC) identifies and evaluates goals and outcomes for student achievement using a variety of measures. Criteria for evaluating success include Overall Course Success Rates, Fall to Fall Retention Rates by Program, Fall to Fall Retention Rates by Race, Graduation Rates by Race, Number of Program Awards, Job Placement and Annual Institution Completion Rate by Program. 

Course Success

Reid State Technical College defines student success in a course to be when a student earns a grade of A, B, or C; therefore, Reid State Technical College chose 70% as the minimum threshold of acceptability for the Overall Course Success Rate, regardless of the mode of delivery or location. 

Graduation Rate

Reid State Technical College reviews the graduation rates annually at the institutional level. The annual minimum threshold of acceptability for Reid State Technical College is to exceed the Alabama Community College System’s (ACCS) average graduation rate.

Number of Program Awards

Reid State Technical College reviews the number of program awards annually at the institution level. The College's minimum threshold of acceptability is to exceed the previous year's total number of awards using the average rate of change over an indicated year span along with the previous year’s outcome, formula: 

Threshold of Acceptability =  


Previous years' rate + (Maximum Rate – Minimum Rate) 

                                           Number of years – 1 


Job Placement

Reid State Technical College tracks the employment rate of the College's Career and Technical program graduates each year based on faculty reporting. The College annually reports the percentage of Career and Technical Education concentrators who have been employed, joined the military or served in an apprenticeship program during the second quarter following the term in which they left the program. Thus, the Alabama Community College System’s Targeted Level of Performance will serve as the College’s minimum threshold of acceptability.   

Fall-to-Fall Institution Retention Rate

 Reid State Technical College will measure fall-to-fall institution retention rate at a minimum threshold of acceptability of the average of all other Alabama Community College System post-secondary fall-to-fall institution retention rates for full-time and part-time students.  
